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Tooth Decay and Cavities: Symptoms, Cause, and Treatment

Tooth Decay and Cavities

Dr Bhutani Dental Clinic provides the best tooth decay and cavities treatment in Delhi including single sitting RCT. Read how…

What is Tooth Decay and Cavities?

Softening of your tooth enamel caused by acids is referred to as tooth decay. These acids occur when plaque bacteria break down sugar in your mouth. A cavity is created if you leave the loss of minerals from the enamel untreated.

Regular visits to a dentist can help you detect tooth decay in an early stage. Sometimes you won’t even know that problem exists until you visit your dentist because most of the cavities don’t cause pain in the beginning. Always ask important tips on dental health and hygiene to your dentist in order to have a great smile every time.

However, if left untreated the plaque acids are capable of eating the next layer of tooth i.e. dentin and can create root decay and over time it can destroy the whole tooth. It will make you feel pain whenever you eat or drink something as the nerves in the tooth will be exposed. Let’s understand why tooth decay and cavities occur in the first place and how single sitting RCT can help you?

What are the Causes of Tooth Decay and Cavities?

When foods containing carbohydrates are trapped between teeth and aren’t completely removed while brushing and flossing it results in tooth decay. The plaque bacteria then starts eating away at the tooth enamel, creating small holes in the teeth called cavities.

Sugary, sticky foods and beverages are the major causes of tooth decay. When combined with plaque sugar weakens the enamel which leaves you vulnerable to tooth decay. Frequent snacking and receding gums are yet another cause of tooth decay and cavities.

What are the Symptoms of Tooth Decay and Cavities?

With the progress of tooth decay, cavity symptoms start appearing. Always look out for these symptoms to understand if you have a cavity or not:

What are Tooth Decay and Cavity Treatments?

The best way to treat a cavity is by visiting your dentist and having the cavity filled. Other ways to treat cavity includes Replacing the tooth’s natural crown and root canal. If you’re based out of Delhi, then you can opt for Single Sitting RCT in Delhi at Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic. Also, there are different types of dental ceramic crowns and bridges available at Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic.

Final Thoughts

Most of people don’t take cavities and tooth decay seriously but it can lead to serious complications in the long run. An early-stage treatment of tooth decay can help you avoid cavities.

Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic is the Best Dental Clinic in Delhi. With more than 16 years of experience, Dr. Bhutani has the potential to cure all your dental problems at one go.

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