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The fall in temperature also affects your oral health as it affects the strength of teeth too. Just like any other part of our body, our teeth also feel the cold and if not take care of properly might face some serious damage. We all are familiar with the fact that we get more prone to get infected and fall sick due to cold or flu and this also becomes a huge reason for bacteria to foster and ground in the oral environment that could harm your teeth too. You must always remember that a healthy mouth is always a perfect gateway towards a healthy body and therefore, it is extremely important to pay attention to your oral health. Below are give few tips to keep your teeth healthy, advised by one of best Dentist in Delhi NCR, Dr. Bhutani: protect teeth during winters


You must always follow daily routine:

With winters stopping by your door, they always open gates for diseases. With one of the best Dentist in Delhi, you must regularly visit the clinic for regular check-up to stay updated about your oral health. You must always follow the routine from waking up and running to your daily routine like brushing and flossing before the bacteria ailments make a space inside your mouth. The dentist suggests that you should not wait long before brushing and waiting for the ailment to grow.


Pay Attention to what you eat:

With festive season and comfortable space we ordinarily enjoy the holiday, but while doing so you must make sure to keep in mind about what you are eating and you must not play with your dental health while doing so. With acidic food and sugary desert you must take extra care towards your oral health, so that they do not affect and ruin your teeth. Make sure you eat proper food to keep up the sugar levels in control. Sugar in the tooth may make teeth sensitive towards cold. You can also get Dental implants in Delhi for more cautious care.



The most common symptom of flu are vomit and nausea as all the bile which is in the stomach find it’s way out through your mouth. When you puke, the acidic ailments sit back in the dental cavity and if you do not clean it on time you can harm your oral health drastically. protect teeth during winters


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