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Demystifying Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment: What You Need to Know?

root canal cost in India

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure aimed at saving a decayed or infected tooth. Traditionally, this treatment involved multiple visits to the dentist. But with advancements in technology and techniques, single sitting root canal treatment (RCT) has become a preferred option for many patients. In this article, we will demystify the process of single sitting RCT, explore its benefits, root canal cost in India and discuss what you need to know before undergoing this procedure.

Understanding Single Sitting RCT

Single sitting RCT, as the name suggests, involves completing the entire root canal procedure in a single appointment. This approach offers several advantages, including convenience and reduced treatment time. During the procedure, the dentist eliminates the infected pulp within the tooth’s root canal. Then thoroughly cleanses and disinfects the area, and then seals it to avert potential reinfection. With single sitting RCT, patients can avoid the hassle of multiple visits to the dentist and experience faster relief from tooth pain.

Benefits of Single Sitting RCT

  1. Time-Saving: Unlike traditional root canal treatment, which may require multiple visits spread over several weeks, single sitting RCT allows patients to complete the procedure in a single appointment, saving time and minimising inconvenience.
  2. Efficiency: Single sitting RCT is often more efficient as the entire procedure is completed in one session, reducing the risk of contamination and improving treatment outcomes.
  3. Immediate Relief: Patients experiencing severe tooth pain due to infection or decay can benefit from immediate relief provided by single sitting RCT, eliminating the need to endure prolonged discomfort.
  4. Cost-Effective: While the cost of single sitting RCT may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the dentist’s expertise, it can be a cost-effective option compared to traditional root canal treatment, especially when considering factors like fewer appointments and less time off work.

What to Expect?

Before undergoing single sitting RCT, it’s essential to consult with a qualified and experienced root canal dentist. During the initial examination, the dentist will assess the condition of your tooth. Review your medical history, and discuss the treatment plan with you. They will also provide an estimate of the root canal cost in India and address any concerns you may have.

On the day of the procedure, the dentist will administer local anesthesia to ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment. Once the tooth is numb, they will use specialized instruments to access the root canal, remove the infected pulp, and clean the area thoroughly. After disinfection, the root canal is filled and sealed to prevent bacteria from re-entering.


Wondering what would root canal cost in India? Single sitting RCT offers a convenient and efficient solution for patients in need of root canal treatment. By completing the procedure in a single appointment, patients can enjoy immediate relief from tooth pain. They can restore their oral health without the inconvenience of multiple visits to the dentist. If you’re encountering tooth discomfort or suspect the necessity for root canal therapy, seek advice from an experienced root canal dentist like Dr Bhutani – best root canal specialist in Delhi. Explore your alternatives and identify the most suitable plan of action.

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