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5 Common Issues of Dental Health in Children

dental health issues

Proper oral treatment starts in infancy. You may reduce oral problems and orthodontic procedures such as implants until you are older by adopting good habits during the infancy of your childhood. It is equally important to focus on our teeth as much as we are focusing on our body.

Here are five of the most common dental health issues that children and adolescents experience:

1. Tooth Decay (Cavities) 

The majority of small children do not know how to brush and floss. Best dentist in Delhi has coupled with the fact that some kids might have a sugar-heavy diet; cavities can become a major issue. Tooth decay is caused when sticky plaque accumulates on the surface of the teeth. In effect, the acid in the plaque eats away from the enamel and gradually wears down on the tooth.

2. Tooth Decay (Sensitivity)

Responsive teeth can be painful and disruptive, sometimes upsetting the attention and routine of your infant. Tooth sensitivity in children is caused by several different factors, bringing your child in for bi-annual checkups is essential for diagnosing the underlying cause. You can search for the Best Dental Clinic near me and head to the dentist for regular check-ups.

3. Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies can happen at virtually any time. Kids playing sports, roughhousing with siblings, or falling while riding a bike are all scenarios in which a dental-related accident can happen. These dental healths may cause the teeth to be removed, broken or cracked. In more severe circumstances, a permanent tooth may be knocked out completely. If you live in Delhi, then it is really good for you as dental implants in Delhi is easily available

4. Pediatric Gingivitis and Gum Disease

You may have assumed that gum disease is just an adult dental problem. Unfortunately for parents, this is not the case. Gingivitis and gum disease is very prevalent in pediatric dental patients and can occur in children. Gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease, and it’s often marked by red, swollen gums, and slight bleeding when your child brushes or flosses. You can head to the various Best Dentist in Delhi NCR for more details on it as well as find a suitable treatment for it.

5. Excessive Thumb Sucking

In order to soothe anxiety, often mothers, children, and young children are using thumb-sucking and pacifiers. It will not become an issue until the child is older and persists with this activity because long thumb sucking will produce complications with the growth of a child’s teeth. Because of this, parents should not allow the habit to continue past the toddler stage. In case when the parents can’t handle the situation they can easily head to the Dr. Bhutani Dental Clinic.


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