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Dental Treatment & Procedures

Ceramic Crowns & Bridges

Ceramic crowns, as the name implies are a kind of cosmetic crowns who are used to provide a natural appearance. Ceramic crowns are also known as all-porcelain crowns as the entire thickness of the crown is very glass-like.

The major feature of ceramic crowns is that they are made from robust porcelain which astutely matches the light handling characteristics and helps in giving a more lifelike look which conjures well with the rest of the mouth.

Case Study

At Dr Bhutani Dental Clinic , we understand the dental procedure to the hilt and render top notch services. Not only we incorporate best quality crowns which lasts for years but also suits well to your aesthetics.

We have all the requisite equipments that help in addressing and fixing the issue. Furthermore we fully apprehend downsides to the treatment so we ensure the procedure is safely carried out and there is no scope left of any dental issue arising later.

Undergoing ceramic crowning procedure at our clinic benefit you in numerous other ways as well which include: –

  • We use high quality crowns which are made of thinner material and as a result, feel lighter in weight.
  • We take into consideration if a person is allergic to metal or not
  • Our procedure involves zero risk of allergic reaction or sensitivity to hot or cold foods.
  • The crowns we place have longevity as they can last disfigure for years.
  • We understand the fact that refinement is needed to produce these crowns counting they require high expertise of the dentist which our seasoned takes care of effortlessly.

Dr Bhutani Dental Clinic is the best dental clinic in Delhi and holds great reputation amongst the people for the reason we have been delivering world class dental services at affordable prices, which include doing smile makeovers and planting ceramic crowns.


Ceramic crowns and bridges can last five to fifteen years, or even more if they are properly maintained through regular check-ups at the dentist. This includes brushing and flossing, as well as avoiding hard foods that can damage the crown or bridge. With proper care, ceramic crowns and bridges can provide a beautiful smile for many years.

Both crowns and bridges have their own unique benefits. Bridges are used when multiple consecutive teeth need to be replaced, while crowns are a more practical solution for a single tooth. Ultimately, the best option depends on what you need and your dentist can help you decide which is the most suitable choice for you.

Ceramic crowns are a great choice for restoring your smile. They look more natural and are designed to match the color of your existing teeth. Ceramic crowns also don’t conduct heat or cold like metal crowns can, so you won’t feel any discomfort when eating or drinking. Plus, ceramic is much more durable than metal and is less likely to chip or crack which makes it a great long-term solution for restoring lost teeth.

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