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Difference Between Veneers And Lumineers

Difference Between Veneers vs. Lumineers

For the treatment of veneers, dental specialists work together in the specialized laboratory for the preparation of veneers. At present, the treatment of dental veneers allows the restoration of a mouth with the presence of wear and the prognosis of this type of aesthetic treatment is outstanding in the long term.
Ways To Improve Smile

Best Ways to Improve Smile by Dental Treatment

There are numerous dental problems that, affect your oral aesthetics and may even affect your self-esteem. Smiling is a sign of joy and security in your person. Looking a perfect smile and having a good look, it is essential to feel safe and have high self-esteem.
Effects Of Bad Bite

Effects of Bad Bite on your Dental Health

A bad bite is the misalignment of upper and lower sets of teeth when the jaws clench together. The technical term for it is ‘Malocclusion’. It has very relevant effects on the dental health of the person. Jaws and teeth in the mouth work intricately with muscles adjoined to it. So a person with a bad bite will have trouble and show symptoms related to these.
Oral Piercing Effects On Health

Oral Piercing And Its Effects On Oral Health

Humans have a perpetual love for expressing their individuality and most choose to do so by altering their appearances. While some methods of self-expression like peculiar haircuts and tattoos are safe enough, some are riskier; for instance oral piercings. Oral piercings are any piercings of our cheek, lips or tongue. And while these can sure help you stand out, they also have the potential to harm your dental health. Therefore, such a form of self-expression is never really endorsed by a dental professional
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